About the Author
The Author
If there is one word that describes Diana’s interests, it’s eclectic. She was an honors physics student, practiced large, small, and exotic veterinary medicine, and led a Web and documentation team at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. She managed the aquatic plant section of a tropical fish wholesaler, bred giant toads from the Amazon rainforest, co-authored an academic paper on how tree frogs stick, and wrote the screenplay for a science fiction movie.
She loves nature, steampunk, science fiction, art, astrophysics, and cosplay and has shared her home with squirrels, opossums, snakes, turtles, frogs, lizards, birds, and fish. In her professional role, she has performed surgery on a piranha and helped to rehabilitate a moray eel with a broken back. She lives with her dogs and cats in Baja California, Mexico, next to the ocean.
Misho of the Mountain is her debut children’s book.