The Making of “Misho of the Mountain”
This page lists articles that have been posted in the blog by author and illustrator about the processes and steps in the making of this children’s book. You’ll find our thoughts, steps, feelings, decisions, and inspirations.

A Chapter Ends
Collaborations come and go; as one chapter ends, another begins. Illustration is the central chapter in the life of a children's book, and it has been the focus of the last few years of production of "Misho of the Mountain." Followers of Misho's progress...

Fonts for Dyslexia
Dyslexia affects a significant amount of the worldwide population and it's time we started taking it into account when we are writing our books, building our websites, writing our articles, and so on. Precise placement of legible text requires knowing the specifics,...

Get ‘er Done! The Sweet Smell of Completion
Sunbeams break through the clouds. Rainbows paint themselves across the sky. Trumpets split the silence with their clarion call. A flock of doves explode into the air. What do other authors feel when they place that last period? How do mathematicians feel when that...

Origin of a Picture Book Character
Character Concept The concept of Misho as a character in a picture book was born many years ago--a few decades in fact. It started in a mall when I saw a child being half dragged behind a preoccupied--and maybe just a little bit scary--parent. You know the gait: arm...

A Sea Change
There has been in a change in plan. Names, titles, monikers, distinguish us and set us apart, hinting at our origins and our affiliations. A title can cause symphonies to play, evoke textures and scents, and open a portal to whole worlds inside our heads. What...

A New Project: Misho of the Mountain
White Storm, the Movie, has moved on to the marketing stage and is out of my hands. The Facebook page continues to gain followers (Check out the new HD trailer on You Tube). My new undertaking is a children's book. I completed the manuscript years ago but shelved it...